2012 Mobile Usage Statistics

iTextUSA/August 2012

We often hear about the importance of catering for mobile devices when designing and developing websites and web-based applications. Quite recently, in this blog, we have presented a list of 5 Mobile Website Usability Guidelines That You Cannot Afford To Break. However, have you ever been curious about how the mobile industry is shaping up, particularly in relation to the more data-driven devices we are seeing these days? This infographic presents reliable statistics from the CTIA Wireless Industry’s report and shows actual figures from 2012 highlighting the usage of mobile devices.

About The Data Presented in this Infographic

As stated above, this infographic details information included in the 2012 CTIA Wireless Industry Report, which is based on an in-depth analysis of industry-wide data drawn from member and nonmember wireless service providers. The data reflects the results for companies serving 95 percent of wireless subscribers as of Dec. 31, 2011. The infographic details how wireless subscriber connections; wireless network data traffic; active smartphones and wireless-enabled PDAs; active data-capable devices; wireless-enabled tablets, laptops, and modems; minutes of use; SMS sent and received; and MMS sent and received fared over a 12-month period.
Overall, most of the important mobile indicators increased between the end of 2010 and the end of 2011, proving that mobile isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. In fact, more people are using their phones more often, while a majority of devices are being used for data-related purposes.
